Saturday, January 22, 2011

Simple past tense: passado simples do inglês fácil de entender


Em inglês, existem verbos regulares e irregulares.
No passado, o verbo é usado para expressar ações acabadas em um tempo definido, mas pode ser usado também para expressar hábitos passados. Ex.: I always walked to school when I was five years old; I used to fight with my brothers.
Geralmente é usado juntamente com um advérbio de tempo passado: yesterday, ago, last (year, week), mas não necessariamente.

Os verbos irregulares não seguem as regras abaixo para a formação do passado.
·       Para formar o passado simples dos verbos regulares, acrescenta-se ed / d ao verbo
Ex.: love = loved, change = changed, talk = talked, play = played

·       Se o verbo terminar em y, precedido de consoante, troca-se o –y por -ied.
Ex.: carry = carried, study = studied, hurry = hurried.

·       Se o verbo terminar em –y precedido de vogal, segue a regra geral.
Ex.:  play – played, stay = stayed. Mas, observe: say = said

·       Se o verbo terminar em sílaba terminada por consoante/vogal/consoante (CVC), dobra-se  a última consoante e acrescenta-se ed.

O verbo no passado é igual para todas as pessoas (I, you, he, she, it, we, you e they), exceto o verbo “to be”.
Afirmativa:                He studied                              I spoke                        He was nice

Negativa:                   we didn’t study                       she didn’t speak          We weren´t nice

Interrogativa:            Did I study                              Did they speak            Was I nice?
·       O passado do verbo “to be” é was para I, he, she, e it e were para you, we e they.
·       Não se usa did com o verbo “to be” no passado pois não é preciso nenhum auxiliar. Apenas inverte-se a ordem (verbo + sujeito) para fazer perguntas e acrescenta-se o not após o verbo para colocar na negativa.


1.     Conjugue os verbos no presente simples ou no passado, de acordo com o sentido da frase:

a)     We _____ everyday (to dance)
b)     They  ______ to talk to Helen last night. (to try)
c)     It _______ a lot last week (to rain)
d)     She ______ tennis every morning (to play)
e)     I  _______ her at the party yesterday (to meet)
f)      They ________ their umbrella in the subway ( to lose)
g)     We _______ mistakes in the past years.
h)     He _______a ten dollar-bill in the street (to find) and ______ it to me (to give)
2.     Coloque as seguintes frases na interrogativa e na negativa:

a)     They worked togheter for many years.
b)     I studyed English yesterday
c)     She went to school by car
d)     We had a dinner party yesterday
e)     He gave me his phone number
f)      She decided to learn Japanese.

3.     Escolha o verbo que melhor completa cada sentenças abaixo:
met                  saw                 brought            bought             gave                is sleeping

a)     He _____ her a lot of presents.
b)     They were going to swin when I ____ them.
c)     Silence, please! The baby ______________!
d)     I _______him at the club yesterday.
e)     She _______the books home and put them on the table.
f)      She _______ vegetables for dinner.

4.     Faça perguntas usando as palavras entre parênteses.

a)     He went to the movies (where) _____________________________________________
b)     They bought a new car (what) ______________________________________________
c)     She taught French last year (when) __________________________________________
d)     We traveled by plane (How)    _____________________________________________
e)     She gotup late because she was tired (why) ___________________________________
f)      They sold their house in April (when) _______________________________________
g)     I called her at 7 o’clock. (what time) ________________________________________
h)     We met at the cafeteria. (where) ____________________________________________
i)      I told her the truth. (what) _________________________________________________
j)      We came home on foot (how) ______________________________________________

F Preste bastante  atenção:
Na forma interrogativa e negativa, quando o verbo auxiliar é “did”, o verbo principal fica no infinitivo, sem o “to”.

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