O modo de pronunciar o -ed nos verbos no passado dos verbos regulares é determinado pela terminação surda (sem vibração das cordas vocais) ou sonora (com vibração das cordas vocais) do infinitivo ao qual o ed é acrescentado, assim:
1. When a verb ends in “t” or “d”, the past aquires a new syllable and sounds /id/.
2. When a verb ends in an unvoiced sound (p, k, f, th (q), s, sh, ch), the past –ed sounds /t/
3. When a verb ends in a voiced soud (all the vowels and b, g, v, z, dz, m, n, ng (h), r, l, th (ð), w, y) the past –ed sounds /d/
EXERCISE: Change into past and separete the following verbs in three colums, according to the -ed sound:
Wait stop add use end boil like comb brush live laugh dress watch answer study end play
/d/ | /id/ | /t/ |
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